Corporate gifting is a proven method for engaging with prospects, clients, customers and more and for good reason. Research shows us that physical items like corporate gifts are easier for people to understand and more memorable. A WellnessGifted box is a great way to say Thank You, Happy Birthday, Congratulations or a precursor to the next meeting-the gift expresses thoughtfulness. A special bond will form between you and your customer as they discuss the products and personal meaning as they achieve wellness success.
Shop Now*FDA DISCLOSURE: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All products contain <0.3% g THC.
Aristotle’s First Law Of Association, the Law Of Contiguity, explains how we as humans learn and remember things. Association by contiguity is the principle that ideas, memories, and experiences are linked when one is frequently experienced with the other. For example, if you constantly see a knife and a fork together they become linked. Or if we think of thunder, we immediately think of lightning, since the two often occur on after the other. The more these two items are perceived together the stronger the link between them. When one of the memories becomes activated later on, the linked memory becomes temporarily more activated and thus easier to be called into working memory. So in the case of Wellness gifting your clients and prospects will be reminded each and every time they use their Wellness product of your thoughtfulness and be reminded why they chose YOU as their partner over the competition.
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